A downloadable game for Windows

You and your friends are trying to find your way home after a WACKY and WILD party! And OOPS! The designated driver is... taking a little nap so it's up to YOU to get everyone home!

What now??

Not having any other options since your friends are taking... a nice little nap, you take the responsibility to drive them home! Drive down the road of Chicago avoiding cars and objects hitting you!

Ah! What's that ruckus?!

Uh-oh! Police on your tail and are shooting at you!? Just dodge! Duh! Maybe mess around and try to use certain disadvantages to your advantage?

I don't even have a license!

Thats okay! The controls are W A S D! W to go a little faster, S to slow down a bit! Enter to interact with menus and etc :3 What could possibly go wrong?

Okay I have places to be!

Don't forget to also pick up your speed along the way to get home faster!!!

Have Fun!



Designated Driver 10 MB

Install instructions

Download and run as Administrator, click on "More Info" if a window appears and click on "Run Anyways"


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press W for speed up and S for slow down

press A and D to move left and right

What he said^